Looks like I wrote this post below months ago, almost completed, but never published. Better late then never. Not going to waste my words or work!
On this past Mother's Day, I had decided to work for my other coworkers so they could spend time with their families since we don't really do anything traditional on that day in my family.
It was a fairly busy day at work, for my twelve-hour shift. I got out on time…….and headed home.
I remembered that my house was pretty thrashed with the boys’ stuff, clean laundry and dirty dishes when I had left at 0645 in the morning. I decided that I would have to jump on the mess on my return…..so that my Monday wouldn't be so painful.
I could tell as I pulled into the driveway that no one was at home.
I opened the front door……..and I was pleasantly surprised and excited by what I saw. The three boys (two youngest and our nephew) had cleaned the house spotless!! What a relief! What an incredible gift for Mother’s Day!
But that was only the beginning………
I realized there was a little display on the counter.
The boys spoiled me with several gifts! There was a large candle, a sculpture of a crane (they all know that I am partial to sandhill cranes), Bluetooth earbuds (I guess they knew that was on my wish list!), a lovely potted flowering plant and a matching card and bookmark. Those boys totally have me figured out! Every gift was perfect!
I wondered if my husband had encouraged them to do something for Mother's Day…..but when I asked the boys if Papa knew about it, they said that he didn't.
I am so touched that they figured it out on their own. They are 16, 16, 18 and 21. There are four ages listed because the best friend of my youngest was there for the shopping. They drive me crazy sometimes, of course…...but this will definitely endear them to me forever.
My love language is Words of Affirmation…...so when I read that card, I had to ask the boys: so does this card have sentiments that you are in agreement with????
They were unanimous in shouting aloud to me: yes!!!
They said they picked up one card and thought: this is the one. Then they found a second one and decided it was the one. On the third card they selected, they said they knew it was the exact one they needed…...and ceased to look for a better one.
I love that card. And what they wrote for me in their own words is so sweet. I realized the bookmark matched the card and they said the bookmark was the clincher.
And they didn't buy a potted plant…..they picked out a pot that “just said mama” to them and then bought a flowering plant and planted it themselves.
This was so, so very thoughtful. I am so impressed with these four boys (Malachy’s best friend Mawolin helped them to shop, though he wasn't there when I arrived home.).
And I told them: if you had only cleaned the house, only got the card or just one of the presents, I would have been happy and proud…..they totally rocked it this Mother's Day! I told them that they had to keep up the tradition now…..and especially to teach it to their children one day for their wives.
God bless the boys!
Belated Mother's Day Blessings to all of you,
Another angle of the gifts
Loooove my card!
Sweet words form their hearts
A coworker made this for me at work and left it on my computer in my office.......celebrating us as mothers.....who had to work on Mother's Day!
The boys were just beaming with my happiness.....
Very Late Mother's Day Blessings to you,