Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Couple of Books for our Meeting Time

I didn't remember writing about Morning Time before, but I guess I did, back here

Anyway, we have been trying to get it going again, after quite a long hiatus.    We call it Meeting Time, though, because it's usually located close to lunchtime than morning.

Trying to span between a pre-teen and a high school senior can be challenging.   This book has been a help:

I don't remember where we got it or why, but probably I read a recommendation somewhere.

It's nicely arranged for our meeting time, since it has a "this day in history" format and tells a story associated with each day of the year, along with some other historical events that took place on that day.   A couple of days ago we read about Helen Keller and today was about the naming of Harvard University.

We almost always have a good discussion about whatever the topic is, and most of the entries are of interest both to the older and the younger boy.    (Yesterday Paddy walked around with his eyes closed for quite a long time after reading about Helen Keller -- this is such a typical 11 year old experience that I am glad he didn't miss out).    Harvard wasn't quite so compelling, but we talked about colleges being founded by ministers, and about college in general. 

After that I usually read a bit from Great Treasury of Western Thought.

This one is usually a bit harder going for Paddy -- yesterday I read Augustine on language (it seemed to fit in with our discussion about Helen Keller's learning from Anne Sullivan) and today I read Aristotle on truth.   But those readings are shorter.

I have some other plans but right now that is about all we generally manage.  I want to read from the Magnificat daily mass readings and reflections, but I always seem to forget.    I also want to read some of the shorter questions and answers in the Smithsonian magazine -- we inherited a subscription from my mom, and I usually have a hard time finding occasion to read a magazine, so I thought maybe reading bits to the kids would help get me motivated to browse through them too.

When I was trying to get our Meeting Time going on, Chari helped me brainstorm, and she asked me what I wanted to get out of the meetings, which was helpful.  It made me realize I was going for Cultural Literacy, for bits of our religious heritage that don't fit in elsewhere, and for discussion starters.  And for connections across subjects.    So eclectic mix of topics is good.    Even reading from bits and pieces of books is a good thing.   I thought maybe I would read parts of my Dad's medical journals that he transcribed and comb-bound for his family, and my husband's great-grandma wrote a memoir about her pioneer days that would be fun to share too.   So you see, the possibilities are endless, and I am really glad we are doing this.   Next year Kieron will be in college, but I hope to continue with Paddy and Aidan, though I am sure it will take a different form with the different mix of persona. 

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