Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fourth Sunday in Advent: A Song For you!

For this Fourth Sunday in Advent, I offer my favorite Advent hymn:

Maria Walks Amid the Thorn

     Even though this is a video of a school chorus, I think they have done a very good rendition.  I am imnpressed. Listen closely to the beautiful words.  See the words in your mind.  I think it is having the pictures in my imagination, inspired by the lovely words, that makes me love this song so. 

      And another chorus.........

      The following video is another arrangement.  I had not heard this one before.  I prefer the others, but this one is still lovely.  I am impressed by their strength in spite of their small numbers.  

From this website:

German: Anonymous, Maria durch ein'n Dornwald ging, from at least the 16th Century
Translator: Henry S. Drinker
According to Maria Augusta Trapp, Around the Year with the Trapp Family (New York: Pantheon, 1955), identifies this as a traditional Advent hymn.

     The lovely and haunting lyrics:

1. Maria walks amid the thorn,
Kyrie eleison.
Maria walks amid the thorn,
Which seven years no leaf has born.
Jesus and Maria.
2. What 'neath her heart doth Mary bear?
Kyrie eleison.
A little child doth Mary bear,
Beneath her heart He nestles there.
Jesus and Maria.

3. And as the two are passing near,
Kyrie eleison,
Lo! roses on the thorns appear,
Lo! roses on the thorns appear.
Jesus and Maria.

Advent Blessings to you and yours this season,

                  Chari & Willa

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard this song before. I found it very deep and moving. Thanks for sharing.


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