Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday With Words: Restore Thy Church


From one of my favorite confirmation saint.........always food for thought.....

O Lord, let all the parts of my body, my bones, all the marrow within my bones, be beaten and pounded together in a mortar; only restore Thy Church to her comeliness and beauty

                                                                                                         --St. Catherine of Siena




Sorry.....I do not have an actual book resource for this........but my favorite Catherine of Siena book was lent to me by my godmother......and I do not know the title.  On my shelf is The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena from Tan Books. 

If you do not know Saint Catherine's amazing story......please read it!  She was instrumental in returning the true pope to the Vatican in the day when there were "three" popes!  God loved Saint Catherine!


  1. Love St. Catherine too!! Her story IS amazing, thanks for sharing this quote, I had forgotten that one :)

    1. :)

      You are welcome! She was so many lessons for us to learn from her life.

  2. Don't know much about saints but this was a beautiful quote and helpful to me today.

    1. Thanks for coming by for a visit, Cindy!

      St. Catherine of Sienna lived an amazing life of humility, obedience, suffering and love. Such a heroic example to all of us.

      That is what a Saint is.......someone who has lived a life of piety to a heroic degree......and has made it into heaven to be forever before the Face of God.

      Glad that this quote has blessed you.

      God bless!


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