Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Prayerfully Yours

Patron of the Sick

Please pray urgently for Willa and her family, as her mother is very ill at this time. Please pray for those who travel, related to this illness.  You can find more information here......

Please pray for my mother, as well, she has just been released from the hospital after a bout of pneumonia and possibly new onset diabetes, medically-caused, and related to her chronic illness.

Please pray for a relative who has recently lost his job due to a chronic illness.  He has a young family to support.

Please continue to pray for other employment issues for our own families', as well as a handful of our readers......

We offer a daily Memorare for Expectant moms:

Gloria G due with # seven in August
     (poor thing has a terrible cold!)Gloria L due with # nine in July
Stacey N due with # five in September

Please let us know if you are expecting, or someone else that you know, so that we can add you to our expectant moms list!

     Please let us know if you have any special prayer requests. We would love to pray for you. For now, we will offer our prayers and sufferings for you and your special intentions.

         Thank you for your prayers!

                  Lenten Blessings,

                       Chari & Willa


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