Monday, October 1, 2012

Homeschool Highschool Carnival Edition #2

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Homeschooling High School Carnival!

There are a lot of great submissions here, so warm up your beverage of choice, find a quiet space of time, and take your time browsing through these posts. 

Our topic for this month is

Writing in the Homeschool.
What place do you see writing have in your high schoolers education?   Do you use a writing program? What approach do you use? Which ‘tools’ did you use in the younger years that helped prepare your high schooler to write and prepare them to join "the Great Conversation"?

Last year Annie Kate and her family discovered a a writing method that has been successful for millennia, the classical method of imitating the masters. It works!

 Lori shares Writing.

 In this article, Lori shares her experience with writing in the homeschool high school, and asks "where" should our students "be" in terms of writing ability? And what about our students who struggle mightily with the written word?

In high school Barbara and her family do not use a separate writing plan but incorporate oral and written narration into their everyday learning. Some narration is spontaneous and some is prompted, but in the end it is all good.

Chareen has learned that you need to start as you intend to finish. If you want your high schooler to be a writer then you need your Junior school student to write without complaint and to do this you need to equip yourself with a plan of action.

Karen gives a piece of advice:  Start a Writing Group!  In her home, though some writing resources are used, the core is reading and discussing and bringing those things to written form. 

Sue describes how her children have learnt to write by observing her passion for writing and wanting to follow her example. In the Elvis home, writing is all about sharing and encouraging, learning from each other, and having fun.

In which Sally discusses nurturing writers from the cradle, but not really doing much in the way of formal, assigned writing until fairly late in the game.

 Meredith's family writes in pretty much every subject in some form or another. Not all assignments or projects are lengthy compositions, but a few meaty writing assignments each term set the groundwork.

Erin discusses the importance of laying strong foundations, then 'tackling' the different genres of writing later. Writing is supported as a collaborative effort in her family.

Jen guides her children from Charlotte Mason style narration to formal writing in the high school years.  In this post, she lists resources and tips for teaching writing without stifling the child's nature.

Willa has learned how writing in the real homeschool is both similar to, and different from, her plans for writing. Her goal is to raise adults who can write and also want to write throughout life.

Not to Be Missed

Susan of High Desert Home and My Summer Notebook has given us permission to share her thoughtful writings on homeschooling high school from the perspective of a mother whose children have all grown and are now having children of their own.

These are some that have to do with writing.  

Off the Beaten Track...

Here we find posts on homeschooling high school that diverge from the topic of the month.

Vicky shares her homeschool essentials in Homeschooling with Roots

Vicky describes how less can be better than more, and how the roots are what make the (homeschooling) tree stronger.  

Theresa shares her plans for hands-on high school science for her son in 

Theresa gives  resources and inspiration for those who want to go beyond textbook learning for high school science.

We hope you enjoyed this edition of the Highschool Homeschool Carnival and that it will be a helpful resource to you as you homeschool your highschool children.

 Remember to check Leonie's blog on the first Monday of November for the next carnival!  


  1. Good morning! Thanks for hosting the carnival.
    Looks like my permalink isn't taking you to my blog, so just wanted to give you a heads up. The link is here.

    Pouring a cup of coffee now .... :)

  2. Thank you, Willa! I am so sorry I missed this got in the way. But I can't wait to read all your links. And I have (finally) put a post up on my blog on writing!

  3. Mine isn't working either. The post is here

    Sorry about that! And lovely carnival!

  4. Got them now, I think, Karen and Sally! Thanks for letting me know.

    Leonie, I missed hearing from you, but I know your life is busy!

  5. Hi Chari & Willa, mine isn't working either, try this one:

    Thanks so much for hosting, it looks great!!

  6. Willa
    Thanks for hosting and at last minute too!:) It looks great and I'm slowly reading my way through the entries, so much wisdom and support there:)


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