March: Pray for our husbands' employment situations, and for his finances.......and our own, under the patronage of Saint Joseph.
We beg for these intentions, in honor of Saint Joseph.
Our dear husbands have so much weight on their shoulders. They are called to be providers for their families. This is a huge responsibility, and often a huge cross. For those out of work, the cross must be often too heavy to carry. Let us ask our Dear Lord, to help them to shoulder the weight, and to help them to find a job....the perfect job for them, to support their families and to save their souls.
For those that are employed, they are often unhappy, underappreciated, and exposed to the horrors of the world. Let us pray for them, to find appreciation in God's eyes, and to fight the temptations of the world that are thrown at them in the work environment. Let us remember to frequently remind them of how grateful we are for all they do for us, their family. Let us try to meet their needs when they return home to their domestic church, where they can find a happy and holy haven in this respite from the world. Remind their children to pray frequently for their father, usually away from them all the day. If you have not already instituted a daily prayer for the father who is away from the family, this is a good time to begin.
For those fathers who have jobs that are "works of charity"...........let us pray they can meet the needs of those they serve.
Let us pray for our husbands to be the "light on the hill" be strong in their faith, and a good example to all, especially their co-workers, and to their sons.
For those happy in their work, let us pray they may always be so!
Let us pray our husbands are able to pay their bills, pay off debt, avoid debt.
We also ask this for ourselves, as well.
Remember to take all of these intentions to our Dear Lord in the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday.
Please leave any special prayer requests in the comments.
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