Thursday, December 27, 2012

Catechism Notebook: Dedication of Weekdays

I am still spending most of my free time this holiday working on hybrid lapbooks. 

I finished another page, this one on dedication of the days of the week

Here is a simple printable I made:  Dedication of the Days

I cut the pictures out and put them in the middle as you can see.
Then I cut out the weekdays and dedications out and made them into little booklets.
Here you can see two of them opened.

My idea is that we can learn the dedications (the pictures give a clue).    On subsequent pages we can put prayers for each dedication and maybe some information about the thing in question (for example, a page on the Angels for Monday).   I have an old prayer book that has devotions for each day.   This way we can have regular reminders of important doctrine. 

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